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Racism: A Disease of the Mind

By Adeleke Adefioye

Racism is, no doubt, the bane of our existence as humans. God created race, but humans, out of hate, selfishness, and unhealthy rivalry, created racism. Evidently, racism has torn the human race apart. Regrettably, it has also led to brutality, hate, animosity and the incessant civil unrest that we have all witnessed. The primary aim of this book is to promote love, eradicate racial line, ensure a harmonious relationship between the police and the citizens, restore global peace and unite humans.


Adeleke Adefioye is a humanitarian, creative writer and data integration specialist. He has always shown a genuine interest in human welfare. He is passionate about humanity, justice, equity and fairness. He is the author of Racism: A Disease of the Mind, a nonfiction (social issue) book available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Baby and all the major book distributors worldwide.


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